Outer Wilds Wiki


Outer Wilds is currently designed for the XBox360 gamepad, and none other.
One bypass is to patch the game to address this.

Patching the game to support your gamepad

This ruby script allows you to use your own gamepad. Here is how to proceed to have it work with your gamepad.

  1. First,install ruby
  2. Then, download the script
  3. Put the script next to OuterWilds_7-30-13_Data
  4. Run the script a first time with ruby ( for example via the command "ruby owcontroll.rb"). This will create a default mapping configuration (in mapping.rb), which describes which key name in the game corresponds to which key ID
  5. You then need to find the ID for each button or axis. If you are using linux, you can use the joystick library
  6. Once your configuration is done, you can launch the script a second time. This will copy OuterWilds_7-30-13_Data/mainData to OuterWilds_7-30-13_Data/mainData.orig and modify your key mapping in mainData
  7. launch OuterWilds_7-30-13 and check if your mapping works.
  8. When you have a working configuration, please consider posting it here.

mapping configurations

Here is a list of mapping.rb that have been used, for well defined controller:

Logitech RumblePad 2 USB

This is not perfect: the right and left trigger use the four-way digital cross top and bottom, the light (DPadUp) is enabled via the cross right

X => 0,

A => 1,

DPadUp => 4,

RightStickClick => 11,

LookX => 2,

LookY => 3,

Start => 9,

RightTrigger => 8,

LeftTrigger => 5,